Our Instructors
Scott Cheshire
Scott has been in law enforcement for 32 years. He worked for Lake Havasu PD in Arizona for 22 years assigned to patrol, 10 years in white collar crime, 3 years in narcotics and retired in 2013. He relocated to Central Texas where he currently works as the Forensics Manager for the Round Rock Police Department supervising crime scenes and evidence. He has extensive experience in accreditation processes and crime scene management, including auditing, photography, evidence recovery, and processing. Scott attended the National Fire Academy for Arson investigation and has a Bachelors in Science from Northern Arizona University.
Kim Rendon
Kim is an experienced Communications Specialist and Trainer for police dispatch operations. She has trained and supervised dispatchers and call takers for a 911 call center for over 15 years. She is currently the Assistant Director for a communications center in Central Texas which is a PSAP for over 120,000 people. She has been instrumental in improving standards for dispatch staff and creating a team environment for centers. She is an experienced sign language interpreter and has used sign language since she was a young girl to communicate with a family member. Kim is a TCOLE instructor for Interacting with the Hard of Hearing for Law Enforcement. Additionally, she frequently instructs Dispatch Operations.
Ken Evans
Ken has over 34 years of leadership and management experience from several notable organizations, allowing him to gain valuable experience in all aspects of law enforcement and executive leadership. Ken believes in proactive leadership and creating an environment of constant professional growth and development for the organization. Ken is people-oriented, mission-focused, goal-driven, and passionate about organizational success. As a leader, Ken avidly supports team building, open communication, and empowering people while giving them purpose, direction, and motivation to succeed. Ken utilized each of these leadership skills while managing an organization with approximately 600 employees and a $75 million budget in one of the fastest-growing counties in the nation.
Sylvia Bernal
Sylvia Bernal has worked in crime scene investigation since 2010. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Forensic Science from St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas. Sylvia is recognized by the International Association of Identification (IAI) as a Certified Senior Crime Scene Analyst and holds her Intermediate Certification through the Texas Association of Property and Evidence Inventory Technicians (T.A.P.E.I.T). Sylvia is a member of the IAI, Texas Division IAI, and International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts (IABPA). She is currently a Crime Scene Specialist and Latent Print Examiner in the Austin area with prior experience working in a Property and Evidence Room. Sylvia has specialized training and knowledge in various fields of crime scene investigation, including crime scene processing, bloodstain pattern analysis, shooting reconstruction, crime scene photography, crime scene reconstruction, and collection and packaging of evidence. She is a basic Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) instructor and has taught several courses in crime scene investigation.
Tim Travis
Tim Travis has been a dedicated law enforcement professional in Texas since 1987, serving in roles such as Patrol Officer, White Collar Crimes Investigator, and as an agent with a Statewide Narcotics Task Force. He joined the Round Rock Police Department in 2002, retiring as a Lieutenant in Special Operations in 2021. Tim holds a bachelor’s degree from American Military University, a Master of Science in Leadership from Sam Houston State University, and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas. A seasoned instructor, he has taught at numerous institutions, including Howard Payne University, Austin Community College, and the U.S. Army Intelligence Center. His military career spanned over 30 years in the U.S. Army Reserve and Texas National Guard, with six deployments to Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Tim and his wife, Tammy, have been married for 27 years and live in Central Texas, enjoying time with their children and grandchildren.
Darin Bayles
Darin has been in law enforcement since 1993 serving at the Williamson County Constable's Officer prior to serving over 25 years at the Round Rock Police Department. He has worked patrol, SWAT, motors, and FTO. He promoted to sergeant in 2007 and went to CID in 2008 where he supervised general crimes, domestic crimes and major crimes for nearly 12 years. He promoted to lieutenant in 2019 and was assigned to patrol, special operations and is now a lieutenant in CID. He is a graduate of the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas and has experience instructing, mentoring, coaching, interviewing and leading officers and command staff. His specialties are leadership, supervision, technology projects and coaching officers for promotions and professional growth.